1. If I have any other questions about my child at Glenmoor and Winton Academy, how can I ask?  

Our staff are happy to speak to parents/carers about any aspects of your child’s education. It is best to speak to the form tutor in the first instance. If the form tutor cannot answer your question, your query will be passed on to the relevant staff area such as the heads of year, class teacher, inclusion department, raising standards or the medical team.   


  1. What support will there be for my child’s happiness and wellbeing at Glenmoor and Winton Academies? 

In the first instance, students are encouraged to approach their form tutors if they have any issues or concerns, they would like to discuss. This is part of the graduated response. If the form tutor feels they are unable to fully resolve the issue, they may seek assistance from the head of year team for tier 2 support.  


Our SAS panel meet every month to discuss students who we feel may need some extra emotional support. We may then decide to refer a student to move up the tiers internally and/ or externally.  


  1. How is support allocated to children and how do they move between the different levels of support in the school? 

To establish a need, the raising standards team and the inclusion team study a variety of data sources to ascertain whether a student may require support. When a need for support is suspected referrals are made by staff to the SAS panel that meets regularly. The panel decides which intervention strategies available are appropriate to the needs of the student on a case-by-case basis. 

Interventions provided are reviewed regularly (approx every 6 weeks) to ensure the best possible support is provided for the student.   

  1. What is an educational health care plan and who can request one? 

The purpose of an educational health care plan (EHCP) is to facilitate special education provision that meets the special education needs of a child or young person. The primary aim is to secure improved outcomes for him/her across education, health and social care and as he/ she gets prepared for adulthood.  

More information can be found on the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole   :Education, health and care (EHC) needs assessment and plan - Dorset Council  

  1. How will the school know that the support has made a difference to my child's learning? 

Your child's progress is assessed and tracked regularly. We assess the student at the start and end of every intervention to plan, deliver and review the effectiveness of the support given. We then make a decision whether to continue with the support, discontinue or change it. Parents/ and carers will be informed of this.  This may be data driven or holistic targets depending on the need.

  1. How does the curriculum and the school environment match my child's needs? 

High quality teaching is delivered by subject specialist teachers and is of high importance within the school. All our teachers are expected to ensure that students are challenged appropriately according to their learning needs. Subject teachers ensure that colleagues within their departments are adapting appropriately to meet the needs of all students in the classroom.  

  1. Will my child have a one to one in lessons?

At Glenmoor and Winton there are no one to one, or additional adults in the classroom. Using the Education Endowment Foundations Research we promote independence with a Learning Coach model, if interventions are required these are carried out as discussed above and reviewed by we endorse teachers knowing the needs of their students and promote Quality Forest Teaching in lessons to ensure lessons meet the needs of learners in the room.


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