Our values play a vital role in the Academies community and can be found below.
- Act with integrity
- Speak with compassion
- Work with courage
We believe this emphasises that our values are actions: things that we practice each day and gather around as a community.
In an effort to ensure that these do not become vague, tokenistic or irrelevant, on the back of this we have developed charter, that explains clearly what it means to Act with integrity Speak with compassion Work with courage:
Act with Integrity:
I will…
- Follow the GW Way so that I make the most of my education.
- Look after my physical and mental wellbeing, so I can be happy and healthy.
- Think about the consequences of my actions so that I accept responsibility for them.
- Show leadership by being a positive role model so that GW is an inclusive community.
- I will positively represent GW in the community so that we can be #GWproud.
Speak with Compassion:
I will…
- Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ so that people are appreciated.
- Speak positively about myself so that I can be happy and healthy.
- Apologise when I make a mistake so that I accept responsibility for my actions.
- Speak kindly to everyone so that GW is an inclusive community.
- I will speak out when I see something wrong so that we can be #GWproud.
Work with Courage:
I will:
- Not be afraid of making a mistake so that I make the most of my education.
- Work hard in every lesson so that I can be happy and healthy in school.
- Be attentive to my learning so that I take responsibility for my education.
- Embrace learning about new ideas and cultures so that GW is an inclusive community.
- Participate in the extracurricular life of the school so that we can be #GWproud.
We understand that every family has their own set of values that they hold dear. In no way do we want to undermine these, but we believe that in order to continue ensuring your child has a first class education, it is our moral duty to create a palpable and powerful school culture underpinned by values that promote life long learning and happiness.